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  • E. J. Nowicki

Holiday Worksheet: Father's Day

Updated: Sep 22, 2019


With the middle of June coming up, not only should everyone be gearing up for the start of summer vacation but also for the wonderful day of celebrating fathers.

So, Happy Father's Day, to any dads out there!

And why not a fun worksheet kids can do about a book they've read with a Father's Day theme?

To read more, continue below:


At the top of our lovely Father's Day themed worksheet are spaces for the title of the book and the author's name.

Underneath that are three boxes for easy prompting and answering. 'Was there a dad in the book?' and 'What was the main character like?' and 'What's something great about the book?" are the questions put forth, which are also great conversation starters.

Then, in the middle of the page is a giant, Happy Father's Day banner!

And then a few more boxes. 'What's something great about your dad?' and 'What made you want to read the book?' and 'Would you recommend the book to a friend?' is asked. Simple questions but can lead to some great thought-provoking answers. And who doesn't want to know what kids think is great about their dads?

Lastly, is a space for a summary of the book as well as a five-star rating outline—so kids can color in how much they did or did not like the book.

And there you have it, a wonderful Father's Day themed worksheet to promote reading!



Click below to print (PDF):

Happy Reading!



Disclaimer: These are just my thoughts and opinions to be taken in a non-professional manner. All worksheets on my site are free to use.

Questions? Contact me by clicking HERE.

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