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  • E. J. Nowicki

Reading For Fun: Conversation

Updated: Mar 22, 2019


Hello, everyone! This worksheet will be quite a creative exercise—but so much fun!

I'm calling it: Conversation.

And as you will see, there are lovely word bubbles kids can write their own conversation with the main character from the latest book they've read To get to the PDF version click HERE. To see all my worksheets, click HERE.

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Starting off, at the top, are spaces for the book's title and the author's name. Always important bits of information when it comes to a worksheet about a book.

Along the right hand side of the landscape version (as seen to the right) and underneath the book title and author section in the portrait version is a space for a five-star rating. A great way to show off how much or how little the book is loved.

Next is a space for a book summary. And under that is a spot to name and/or describe the main character of the book. Perhaps write the name, perhaps a brief description of who the main character is. Anything works!

And then, for the majority of the page are word bubbles to symbolize a conversation. One side for the main character. The other side to the book-reader who is filling out the worksheet. Four bubbles are available for a back-and-forth. A wonderful, creative way to think about the book that was read and what the main character might say (a great exercise for any budding writer, too).

And there you have it!

To get to the PDF version to print, click below:

Happy reading!


Disclaimer: These are just my thoughts and opinions to be taken in a non-professional manner. All worksheets on my site are free to use.

Questions? Contact me by clicking HERE.

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