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3rd Place! My Flash Fiction Story Placed In Rochester Writers' 2020 Summer Contest

E. J. Nowicki

Updated: Mar 21, 2021


What a wonderful surprise!

With much appreciation and joy, I’m excited to announce I’ve won 3rd place in the flash-fiction category in Rochester Writers’ 2020 Summer Writing Contest!

My story, 19s, was such a fun creative experience—the prompt being to use the acronym COVID-19 in some way other than the pandemic. As the virus is certainly something no one wants to get, I thought it would be interesting to see if I could come up with an idea to make “COVID-19” into something everyone did want. And so, the story took shape…

Flash-fiction is such a fun category, trying to fit a whole story into the small word count. All I can say is: edit, edit, edit!

And Rochester Writer’s was gracious enough to put together a zoom meeting, which they streamed on their Facebook page where all the winners had a chance to read their pieces and find out about the winning placements. It was a wonderful experience. If you have a Facebook account, you may still be able to find the video on the Rochester Writers’ page.

Thanks so much to the Rochester Writers’ team for their work, and my family and friends for all their support! It’s always a great feeling to be recognized and I hope as I continue on, my writings continue to find their way into people’s hearts!

Thanks, everyone!


You can watch a recording of the live reading and announcement of the winners on YouTube HERE


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