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  • E. J. Nowicki

Reading For Fun: Follow The Arrows

Hope everyone has found some great books, lately!

It's time for another worksheet! This one is all about following the arrows... which lead to different fun questions and prompts about whatever book you choose! I hope everyone has as much fun with this one as I had making it!

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FOLLOW THE ARROWS, it says! And that's what you do for this fun worksheet about any book you choose!

In the upper left-hand corner, there is a START HERE request with an arrow pointing down. There you will find a box for the book title and an arrow leading to the author's name.

Following straight down is the question: Why did you pick this book?

It could be for school or for fun. Maybe it had a great picture on the cover or an intriguing title. Whatever the reason, it's always great to be reading.

Next is a space to draw a character or scene from the book. Let the artistic juices flow! Could be a great masterpiece or, for those like me, some stick figures and outlines the best you can. It's all just for fun.

The arrow takes us to the next question: What was your favorite part?

Could be a funny conversation or a bit of action. Did it have the main character involved or side characters? Whatever you're going to remember fondly, write it down for yourself.

And that leads to another question: Did you like the ending?

Was it happy or sad? Was there a fulfilling ending or a cliffhanger? You won't know until you read the whole book.

From there, the arrows bring us to a summary of the book. A few lines are given and as always you can use the back of the page to write as much as your heart desires!

Then a split arrow brings us to: Is there a sequel? If yes, would you read it?

And a five-star rating. Rate it high, or low, it's all your own opinion to record, share, and have fun!

There you have it! Happy Reading!


Check out another worksheet:


Disclaimer: These are just my thoughts and opinions to be taken in a non-professional manner. All worksheets on my site are free to use.

Questions? Contact me by clicking HERE.

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